

Gir Gai Ghee is healthy as long as we consume the right one [read that again]

by Avatar in A2 Desi Cow Ghee September 1, 2020

Unfortunately, not all varieties of Gir gai ghee are healthy to the human body (even when you consume it within the limit).

The commercial businesses (majority of the brands and retailers) make ghee using A1 milk. Because they care about the profits first.

This milk is acquired from jersey cows and cross-bred cow breeds in India. Although these breeds are found in abundance, their milk is unhealthy for human consumption.

So what can we do?

We can always consume the ghee by making it from milk of the cows of the Indian breed (A2 milk-producing cows).

This is something we’re going to explore in this blog post.

Let’s take a look at Gir Gai ghee (ghee made from A2 milk) and its benefits in this blog post.

What is Gir Gai ghee?

Gir is one of the most famous milk cow breeds in India. We can predominantly find them in scattered regions of Gir forest in Gujarat, and the nearby districts.

Compared to all other Indian breeds, Gir cow varieties are capable of yielding a comparatively low quantity of milk every day.

Gir cow’s milk in these days used for making ghee in India.

A lot of people have this ghee for the medicinal and healing benefits.

Eventually, Gir cow’s ghee became very famous for its medicinal properties and many has used it to treat broken bones and insomnia even.

What are the benefits of Gir Gai ghee?

The immense health benefits made Gir cow’s ghee very famous throughout India.

So let’s take a look at all these benefits in detail

1. It can help you lose weight

Does that surprise you? 

I’m sure that your doctors always want you to stay away from ghee if you want to reduce weight. But, I have some analogy for you, and basically a reason why your ancestors were so fond of ghee. And lived probably healthier and much more than the present generation does.

Gir cow’s ghee has a ton of vitamins, minerals and digestible fat, making it really healthy for your gut. 

When consumed frequently, it clears your digestive system of various ulcers and other health issues.

When your digestive systems are on track, they can digest food faster and absorb it efficiently. With efficiency, you burn more calories and eventually lose more weight.

Better digestion = Burn more calories efficiently = lose more weight

2. It can increase your immunity

Gir Gai ghee will boost your health with with fat-soluble vitamins like A, K and E.

Your brain health will significantly improve with lots of vitamins. The small quantities of vitamins add up and improve the overall health of your body in the long term.

3. It can treat fractures and bone ailments 

According to ancient scripts in Ayurveda, we Indians have been using Gir Gai ghee to speed up the healing process of broken bones.

You can also use it to relieve the body from any physical ailments like joint pain.

All you need to do is take a spoonful of Gir Gai ghee and gently apply it over the places where you have persistent pain. It may not cure your pain, but it will definitely make it a whole lot better.

 4. It can make your skin glow

I have seen people apply Gir Gai ghee on their skin as a moisturizer. As far as I’ve heard it from the customers, Gir Gai ghee also helps to treat dry skin and chapped lips, in both men and women.

If you’re suffering from skin ailments, the best treatment you can do is to buy some Gir Gai ghee and apply it on your skin. And it will also help you clear under-eye circles and blemishes on your skin.

5. Treat inflammation in your colon

Gir Ghai ghee can help you treat severe forms of inflammation in your colon. 

Famous Studies have shown that butyrate enemas and oral butyrate supplements can help cure very sever forms on colon inflammation issues.

And surprisingly, we find these same ingredients in Gir Gai ghee as well.

Regular consumption of this ghee has proven to get rid of any irritation or inflammation in your colon. 

6. Healthiest form of fats

Fats are an essential part of a human’s body. We all need fats to transport nutrients and maintain the health of the cells in our body. 

Gir gai ghee is an excellent source of healthy fat and it can be used to maintain the fat composition in our body.

Regular consumption of this ghee will improve the quality of fat cells in your body.

Where can I get authentic Gir cow ghee?

With all the benefits stated, you might have this question

Where can I buy the best-unadulterated version of Gir Gai ghee??

At Hous of Life we are always proud of offering high-quality Gir Gai ghee to the health focussed people globally. 

We believe that authentic and pure food is everyone’s right and no one should stop you from consuming that quality food.

Which is exactly why we serve the highest quality of food to our Gir cows and follow the traditional bilona method to make the ghee.

If you want to buy the unadulterated Gir Gai ghee, here’s your chance

Hous of life makes Desi Gir Cow A2 Ghee from the home grown fodder fed Gir cows milk. And because of our sole purpose of chemical free culture, we keep these cows are away from the unnecessary injections and unhappy treatment.

Then we convert the Gir cow milk to curd. And then extract the white maakhan following the traditional hand churned bilona method.

On a flame using cow dung we heat this white maakhan to make golden colored top quality ghee.

Believe me, you’ll find the whole process so mesmerised that you’ll never want to leave the place and of-course, never stay away from this blissful ghee full of purity and enriched super pack nutrition.

You can check it out here, it comes in 250ml, 500ml and 1000ml glass jars.

Thank you for reading this blog post.

Feel free to check this E-Commerce store for unadulterated varieties of pure ghee and authentically grown herbal teas for your health benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions about Gir Gai Ghee

  1. Why is Gir cow ghee expensive?

Gir Cow produces a very low volume of milk on a daily basis. The volume ranges anywhere from 6-10 litres everyday.

And we’ll find this to be very low when we compare it to that of jersey and other breeds who produce excess of 30 litres on any given day.

Add that with the cost of quality food, shelter and maintenance of a girl cow – it gets really expensive. 

Which is the prime reason why we find Gir Gai Ghee priced higher compared to other ghee available in the market.

At the same time, I’m sure you’ll find the real value because it also comes with plethora of health benefits as well.

Which is the sole reason why Gir cow ghee is priced at such a high rate.

Comparatively you will find the commercial ghee more viable but ‘adding more profits to their pockets, is your priority?’ or your priority is to make your family healthier?

The high demand and low supply will only push this price higher in  the future.

Because barely any farmer is willing to serve the Indian desi breed of cows who are blessing us with enriched A2 protein.

  1. What is Gir ghee?

Ghee which we make using the milk of desi Gir cow is called Gir ghee.





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