

Desi A2 Cow Ghee vs Buffalo Ghee. Which is healthier for you?

by Avatar in Health Tips, Healthy Foods, Informative, Organic Foods August 4, 2020

A2 Desi Cow Ghee vs Buffalo Ghee. Which is better? Which one should you have? Question which I have come across many times.

Questions to which a lot of people are looking for answers. Because when we buy ready-made food, we do think what ghee is used. Because when buying sweets or some other food, we are keen at ghee. Not at what type of ghee. Right?

But next time, you will start getting keen about which ghee is used when you buy food outside. Because I’m going to share some research based insights about A2 Cow Ghee vs Buffalo Ghee. Which is better? Let us understand.

In countries like India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan, ghee is considered as one of the key ingredients in the daily diet.

And also in these regions, we come across a fact that buffalo milk and ghee are more popular than cow’s.

Whereas, in the other parts of the world, we see that people consume only cow’s milk. Of-course ghee is not a popular food there, as they are mainly driven by butter.

Cow in India, especially for the Hindus is considered as god. Are desi cow’s milk and ghee considered holy and is really a health treasure?

Why Buffalo ghee?

Why Buffalo milk and ghee are so popular in recent years in this part of the world?

Buffalo ghee contains high amounts of fat (6-9%), which also includes saturated fats. It is high on cholesterol. And also comes with good amount of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Looking at the nutritional values of desi cow ghee, which is high on minerals, vitamins, calcium and beta carotene which body can convert to vitamin A.

As we can see that there is quite a difference already in the nutritional values of both the ghees.

Talking about the health benefits, Buffalo ghee is very largely beneficial to those who want to build muscles and increase weight. 

Because buffalo ghee contains a lot of saturated fat which helps in gaining weight.

And if you are not an aspirational fighter or body builder and would not want to gain unnecessary weight and become lazy then this ghee has to be totally out of your kitchen.

What should you know about Buffalo Nutrition and Protein?

There are some basic attributes of the source to keep in mind too.

Like, Buffaloes are usually the breed with low IQ. Low on emotional intelligence too. And the ones consuming their milk and ghee are very likely to develop similar characteristics.

So if you want any intelligence growth, boost memory power and also have a really good overall health performance then it is not the buffalo ghee but the desi cow A2 ghee which helps you do that.

Dangers of Buffalo Ghee –

  1. Heavy on digestion. Takes a lot of time to digest.
  2. High on cholesterol
  3. High on calories
  4. Not good for diabetic patients
  5. High on saturated fats and increases weight in the body
  6. Not advised in Ayurveda
  7. No emotional or intelligence development
  8. Makes you lazy
  9. Not for those with heart problems

A2 Desi Cow Ghee

Let us now actually explore what all health benefits do desi cow ghee brings into your life?

  1. Desi cow’s ghee contains beta carotene which body can convert to vitamin A, and hence helps improve the eyes health and vision.
  2. Due to its nutritional properties, desi cow ghee helps reduce the bad cholesterol
  3. Desi cow ghee is very low calories and in fact helps you reduce all the bad calories your body is carrying.
  4. Because it is very light in nature, desi cow ghee is actually digested very easily and also improves the overall gut health, helping your digestive system get in better shape
  5. Desi cow ghee helps treat type-2 diabetes (Buffalo ghee is not suitable to diabetic people)
  6. Because it is high on calcium, desi cow ghee is actually good for bones and teeth
  7. Having deis cow ghee makes you more mentally and physically alert and active
  8. Helps build good cholesterol in the body
  9. Ayurveda advices only desi cow milk and ghee
  10. Helps treat the ‘pitta’ issues (‘pitta’ is one of the three doshas in the human body as per ayurveda. It is dosha of ‘fire’, the energy for digestions, metabolism, sensations through with the organism perceives and reacts to what is happening around)
  11. Protects from diseases like thyroid, cardiovascular and obesity
  12. Good for brain development and promotes healthy bones
  13. Helps improve heart functioning of the body
  14. Desi cow ghee also boosts immunity in the body and fights inflammation.

Desi Cow Ghee va Buffalo Ghee

With plethora of health benefits, easily and undoubtedly, desi cow ghee is the one we must have.

In fact, even those who want to build their muscles, desi cow ghee is a good option because every part of the body well energised and brain functioning is enhanced too. Who says the physically strong should not be mentally strong too?

For increasing weight and building muscles, there are absolutely many other ways according to the ayurveda, so why get away from the magical benefits of the desi cow ghee and increase the risk of diabetes, memory weakness, unnecessary weight gain and other health threats by having the buffalo ghee?

Switch to desi cow ghee. It is so simple.

Desi Cow Ghee vs Buffalo Milk: Pricing Comparision

Lastly, I would like to add that the cost of desi cow ghee will easily be at-least double than what buffalo ghee is. Why?

Desi cow milk contains 3-4% of fat and sometimes even less.

Buffalo milk contains 6-9% of fat.

And ghee is the purest form of fat.

It takes about 32 litres of desi cow milk to make 1 kg of ghee out of it.

For buffalo milk, it is less than 15 litres for a kg of ghee.

And cost of managing buffalo or desi cow are almost the same.

Buffalo gives double the amount of milk compared to the desi cow. So the overall difference in the ghee cost must be around 4X. If buffalo ghee is Rs 700 then desi cow ghee must be at-least Rs 2800

Besides, almost all the buffalo dairies are highly commercialized because all they care about is profit. [Check this].

And desi cow dairies are running for a purpose. They want to do good to society. They want to serve the holy cow by keeping them happy. And they choose to struggle with low productivity (milk volume), and they struggle a lot convincing people to switch their expensive milk and ghee. And they do that with a lot of self-motivation and dedication.

But if you think that you do not want to pay the high cost for desi cow ghee then you must think twice because you are avoiding magical benefits by doing that and inviting some serious health risks along with the buffalo ghee.

Bonus Info

At Hous of Life, we take care of our desi gir and desi kankrej cows just like our family members. They are fed good food and they live a happy daily routine.

Their health and happiness is transferred in their milk and hence in the ghee that we make.

I hope I was able to provide helpful information about which ghee is better for you, in this A2 Desi Cow Ghee vs Buffalo Ghee discussion.

Health is my passion and helping choose the right thing is what I love. Please feel free to ask any questions in the comments section or share your thoughts about this topic. I would love to jump into the conversation by helping you or learning from you.

Stay healthy!

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